1.將相機上的點座標與軸控的點座標各自找出後 建立紡射變換
後續再由座標轉換 由 影像上的座標轉換到軸控的座標系
vector_to_hom_mat2d (Cols, Rows, PLCcol, PLCrow, HomMat2D)
affine_trans_point_2d (HomMat2D, TestCol, TestRow, Qx, Qy)
dev_clear_window ()
read_image (Image, 'D:/yuezhan/项目/201859定位/t2/Vision/dingwei/biaoding.jpg')
get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)
rgb1_to_gray (Image, GrayImage)
dev_display (GrayImage)
invert_image (GrayImage, ImageInvert)
threshold (ImageInvert, Regions, 62, 255)
connection (Regions, ConnectedRegions)
select_shape (ConnectedRegions, SelectedRegions, 'area', 'and', 400, 700)
count_obj (SelectedRegions, Number)
for Index := 1 to Number by 1
select_obj (SelectedRegions, ObjectSelected, Index)
dev_display (ObjectSelected)
sort_region (SelectedRegions, SortedRegions, 'character', 'true', 'row')
Rows :=[]
Cols :=[]
count_obj (SortedRegions, Number1)
for Index1 := 1 to Number1 by 1
select_obj (SortedRegions, ObjectSelected1, Index1)
area_center (ObjectSelected1, Area, Row, Column)
if(Index1 == 1)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 ==3)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 5)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 19)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 21)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 23)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 37)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 39)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
elseif(Index1 == 41)
Rows := [Rows,Row]
Cols := [Cols,Column]
PLCrow :=[1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3]
PLCcol :=[1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
vector_to_hom_mat2d (Cols, Rows, PLCcol, PLCrow, HomMat2D)
*TestCol := 0
*TestRow := 0
TestCol :=[600,100,2000,300]
TestRow :=[120,240,360,480]
affine_trans_point_2d (HomMat2D, TestCol, TestRow, Qx, Qy)